
Boot98se zip
Boot98se zip

You can order the CD from them if you would rather not mess with downloading it. It turns out that a group at sells copies of the CD for under $4.00 including shipping. How can I try this without having to download a large rescue CD image? The procedure calls for downloading a free bootable Linux System Rescue CD. I have no experience with other commercial packages.Ģ 3. The open source tools I am using, including ntfsresize, qtparted, and the GAG boot loader, are stable and widely used by people who want to dual-boot Linux and Windows XP and are available free. Also, Partition Magic's license agreement required buying a separate license for each computer I wanted to dual boot. However, Partition Magic 8.02 did not successfully resized most of the NTFS partitions I tested it with so I sent it back. Why don't you just use a commercial package to re-partition the disk and dual boot? I used to use Partition Magic for this. My procedure allows adding DOS without affecting the Windows XP installation. The computers I am dealing with have Windows XP pre-installed and I am not willing to destroy the existing installation. However, it requires destroying the existing Windows XP installation, installing DOS, and then reinstalling Windows XP. Why don't you just use the official Microsoft procedure for dual-booting Windows XP and DOS? For the Microsoft procedure, see: The Microsoft procedure works fine. You will not have to reinstall Windows XP and you won t lose any of your data. Chapter 2 (to be written) will discuss how to set up your DOS environment, add serial ports to your computer, and use an external voice keyer with your new DOS installation. I ll tell you how to do the installation and set up the dual boot in Chapter 1. (I ll add the procedure for CD-only machines later). A floppy disk drive and a blank floppy will make this easier. All you need to install DOS on your new Windows XP computer is access to a highspeed internet connection to download a few files and one program, a CD burner, and one or two blank CD s! Your computer must be able to boot from a CD drive almost all modern computers can. The same basic technique works for Linux, too! Unfortunately, it s very tricky and I haven t seen the entire procedure documented anywhere. It s pretty easy to set up even a brand new computer with Windows XP to dual boot real MS-DOS and Windows XP. These programs don t run very well under Windows, if at all. I really like TR-Log for Single-Operator, Two Radio contests and CT for Field Day and at some Multi-Operator stations. 1 So, You Want to Run DOS Contest Loggers on Your Shiny, New, Windows XP Computer! I still use DOS logging programs for most of my Amateur Radio Contest Activities.

Boot98se zip